Recognized Student Organizations

Cal State LA is home to over 120 recognized student organizations that host events and meetings to engage students in community building, entertainment, and professional development.

Can't find an organization that interests you? Start your own! Read up on the policies and procedures governing student organizations, information about recognition processes for new and returning orgs, and conduct procedures.

Visit the Student Organization Handbook

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screenshot of presence homepage

Explore Student Organizations

Find a recognized student organization on Presence, Cal State LA’s hub for student organizations and events.

Visit Presence

Student Organization Resources

Sample Constitution

This document is intended to serve as the model to follow when writing the constitution of your organization.

View PDF

ODC Info and Videos

The online Organizational Development Course was designed to provide you and your organization with on-demand and on-the-go training and access to campus policies and procedures pertinent to student organizations.

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Club Banking Forms

Be on the lookout for flyers, banners, or postcards that advertise student group meetings and events. Attending these activities is a great and easy way to start your on-campus involvement.

See Forms

Officer Change Form

To begin the organization officer transition, the organization's President must first complete the Organization Officer Change Form.

See Form

These organizations provide limitless opportunities to achieve an active role on campus and to pursue individual interests.
Learn more about our recognized student organizations and their events.

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Start Your Own Organization

Organization Registration Form

View Form

Officer & Advisor Form

View Form

Organizational Development

View Form

Read up on the Student Organization Conduct Code
or report an incident related to student organizations

Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures

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